The ILLUMiDOME is an extremely durable yet light weight Mini Waterproof Lantern.
This light boasts 220 LUMENS of wide angle light with its 1 Watt LED and offers light settings of; low, medium, high, and a rapid blinking hazard. The ILLUMiDOME can hang upright from the removable Velcro strap, or hang upside down from the split rings nested in its base. The main feature, that skyrockets the ILLUMiDOME in front of the competition, is its dual light output option. When the chrome reflector is removed from the top and stored easily in the base, the user now has a full area light. The ILLUMiDOME erases the shadows left behind by your traditional lantern output. To utilize the ILLUMiDOME once again as a lantern, the user simply replaces the reflector and the light is bounced back out in the traditional manner. Quickly and easily convert the light array from a traditional lantern pattern to a “full-area” light array. Multiple attachement points to hang, hook, attach, or carry the light. Completely sealed, waterproof unit, that will resist everything Mother Nature has to offer. 1 Watt, high-output, wide-anlge, intensely bright LED with 4 light settings; low, medium, high and rapid blinking hazard.
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